
We are Vystah. It’s nice to meet you!

A website is more than your digital presence. It’s an opportunity to showcase your unique brand. A means to attract visitors, demonstrate what you do, and encourage them to take action.

Damasci Diamonds

Custom Engagement Ring Maker


Information Architecture

R10 Security Firm

Apparel & Merchandising

One More Beer

Graphic Design

Projects Completed
Pixels Pushed
Cups Of Coffee
Features Added

Design To Brag About

Responsive design with multiple end-users in mind. Just as there are an ever growing number of screen sizes, there are as many people using there digital products. Our team of experts will be your guide.

Completely Customizable

The world wide web is your oyster. Discover more business opportunities when you realize you can harness the power of the interconnectedness of communication technology in an all inclusive online agency.

Premium Information Architecture

We’re taking your “Big Data” and turning it into visual and actionable data bites. From website content like info graphics or website algorithms to that will improve business and work process efficiencies.

In-Depth Tutorial Videos

You can upkeep and maintain your website even without the agency with the built-in CMS (content management system). Websites are built using WordPress, so there is much flexibility out of the box.

Full Spectrum Media

In the big wide world of digital media, having an online presence is essential for any new business. But this task can be daunting on your own. Let our professional consultants be your guide.

Ongoing Updates & Support

Marketing and changes in technology are ever present. Let our team of specialists help keep you digital presence up to date and marketable. Digital media packages are customizable for your business’ needs.

Our team of Toronto-based web design and development team harness the expertise of capturing your business’ essence and turning it into a functional and effective digital tool that drives user behavior, and converts visitors into customers.

Responsive Design

A requirement for any website. Many screen sizes coming from one branded voice.

Award Winning Quality

Satisfaction guaranteed. You will be a hiring a team of dedicated and passionate online and digital media talent.

Video Tutorials

Learn how to use and manage your own digital tools from our library of video tutorials and 24/7 customer support.

Unlimited Features

Our representatives will recommend the best and most contemporary digital tools to help your business succeed in this digital landscape.

Get ready to stand out

Salient’s design allows you to make a lasting impression
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Let’s take the next step and work together